sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011


hey!! Thanks for your indications. I'm sorry so much, but yesterday was a bit mess... We get trapped in a kind of assembly in Eleftherias square that finished pretty early, at 1 or 2, with a cold wash under the rain, with the guitar and everything else totally wet. I didn't know the address of the party you where exactly (because I didn't check your mail, what is my fault. Your mail is really really clear compared with Michael indications that where "malavizou street", hehehehehe) and I was run out of batteries in the movile... so... pretty difficult to arrive. Then we help the people to pick up their stuffs and sing a little bit with them, and we went back home after drinking some whatever. At least it was also fine, but now I have a great deserved cold.

O lo que viene a ser lo mismo: Sentí que lo de ayer era monótono e hice otra cosa sin avisar. Hice lo primero que se me pasó por delante con pinta de ser divertido. Eso sí: me cuesta mogollón admitirlo porque siento que está mal y me invento toda clase de excusas cuando el motivo fué que no tenía ganas. Preferiría no explicar nada ni siquiera para no sentir que he fallado a la gente. Creo que esto puede llegar a ser un problema...